Funny Story

Posted by god on Feb. 8, 2007, 5:50 p.m.

Okay this is a pretty funny story. My family went on a cruise. We were on some island in the bahamas(how ever you spell that) and my dad bought a six-pack of beer there. We didn't know that we weren't sopposed to bring it onto the ship until after we got into the first security line. Some people that were a little ahead of us got some of it taken away. We decided to keep going and see if they see it. When we went thourgh they saw it and started looking at it. Then they gave it back to us. Apparently they couldn't see the word beer written on it. So we thought we were pretty lucky. We went up to the second security line(acctually where you get on the boat) where they were spraying everybody with hand sanitzer before you got on the ship. So when we were about halfway through my mom says…

"Theres nothing but alchahol in those bottles."

As soon as she said that me and my dad were both thinking she was talking about the beer but she was talking about the hand sanitizer. But we got through anyway.

Yeah it wasn't that funny was it?

I was looking at some Cyanide and happyness comics earlier. There hillarious.

Also this is the most users i have ever seen on so i took a pic of it.

Has anyone seen more than that?

EDIT: As soon as I posted the blog there was more so here is another pic.

Ugh fine. They might not be good though.

1) Has something like that ever happened to you?

2) Do you like Cyanide and Happiness?

3) Is there a spoon?

4) Favorite of the Matrix Trilogy?(if you have seen it)

5) Is there a question number 5.


TwistyWristy 18 years ago

1. Thankfully, I've never been stoned by a pill.

2. Well happiness is good, but you see, Cyanide kills you, so I tend to abstain from it unless somone's really been annoying me

3. I was eating too fast and swallowed it whole. So, no.

4. I'd say all if I could but I guess the first.

5. Only Neo knows.
