So much splosion..*_*

Posted by god on Feb. 16, 2007, 10:58 p.m.

First of all i had 499 hits and then it went back to 460…

But to make up for that i wil have so many explsions in this blog that everyone will view this.







poultry 18 years ago

go back to the old style :(

FireflyX 18 years ago

YEAHY EXPLOSIONS!!!! Congradulations on the 500 hits

1) 8 (it is used in my new game now)

2) long enough

3) stupidly funny, well sort of funny

4) yeh

5) Ask a member of staff

DesertFox 18 years ago

Oh crap, I will be honest… my friend told me that one and said i could use it…

Sounds like you are trying to cover your ass…

god 18 years ago

No im really not, in history class when we were supossed to be taking notes we were making some of thes comics and he made that one.

RoyalSmacketh 18 years ago

1. 3

2. 1 hour 13 minutes and 27 seconds

3. I don't get anything other than you like explosions

4. no

5. dunno