Yeah, I am releasing a demo of the Ping Pong game I started a while ago.
I added all the ai this morning. It wasn't too hard. It is still buggy though.
Please give suggestions![message to mods] I don't think this too short, because it includes a download and a screenshot. If it is, I will add more.
Mmmhmm…that game was ok, but as you said, still buggy. I was expecting another "Pong" here, but that was pretty good for a start. The AI kept wandering off.
Nice sfx
Allow tilting the paddleSet a barrier on paddlesSpruce up the gfxI got tearing,so I'd turn that option onDon't deny entropyWhy are you hosting on to post here, when you can upload it here just fine?
Good question.
Cuz he wants to have us download the uncompressed EXE instead,which 64D won't allow?
Yeah, what serprex said.
And the graphics are just place holders. I know they aren't great.I want to help with the game. May I please have the gm6(or gm7, prefarably 6)?
Why didn't you just release the source in the first place?So much less bandwidth…
Not my bandwidth. :D