My birthday is coming up this Friday and my Dad already ordered one of my presents. It is darkBASIC. I don't know if anyone has ever heard of it, but its an awesome 3D Game maker. The best part it no D&D to hold you down. So, I probably won't be on much more, if any. However, I will be coming in every now and then just to see about V3, if it exists. So, thanks to you all who were mean and unkind to me for I am moving on to something better.(no offense Mark) I might finish my game in a shorter version but I doubt it.
all the programs I use are free… all I pay is for internet, which grants me access to all the free stuff on it. wink wink* :D bye!
P.S. I doubt Mark O reads the forum…alright you go play with darkBASIC… but remember C++ will pwn you.
Yep. And C++ is free, and not crap.
@KazThen why are using GameMaker???I use C++ also. I'm still learning it at college.
If you don't like the interface of darkBASIC then you can download darkEDIT. It is free and can do anything that darkBASIC can do. Its pretty much like DreamweaverMX for darkBASIC
@Kaz this is probably the closest you can come to getting a free version of dB.:)