Kilandi Update/HELP

Posted by gtvg on April 13, 2007, 6:47 p.m.

Kilandi Update

There have been several bug fixes and graphical improvements since the last blog to my current project, The World of Kilandi.

I have spent a lot of time drawing out the world map and mapping out exactly what each room will look like. I have named the cities and made a few quests. I think the quests will be fun to do and what you choose to do will greatly affect how to game goes. The world map will be included as concept art in the final release along with many 3D renderings of the game as well pencil drawings. I believe that the graphics are coming along well, several of them by LLS.


What I am working on now is room transition. I have already established a system for it, but it is very time consuming. I need a better system for moving through out each room. You can move in four directions in each room to travel to a different room. (top,bottom,right, and left) So, when you are in room 1 and you go right you end up in room 3. You can now go down to room 5. If anyone knows how to make a better system for this or knows where one is, please tell me.

Sorry for no demo or screenshots in this blog, but there will be one in the next blog on the game.

2345 hits



gtvg 17 years, 10 months ago

I looked and I couldn't find the appropriate one.

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago
gtvg 17 years, 10 months ago

Thanks, I didn't think about puting a star before rooms. Unfortunately, the example uses the same method I am. I don't think there is any other way to do it.

Pankak Produxtionz 17 years, 8 months ago

Hey whats up I cant wait till your game comes out. Ill have to try it out when we move.