Lengthdir Help/Tennis/CiCis!

Posted by gtvg on Jan. 24, 2008, 5:07 p.m.

More Help

I can't figure out how length_dir works. :( It seems simple, I've just never used it. The gun I am using is 237x78. It's origin is 91x29. The code I am using is


What am I doing wrong? I want to finally figure out how it works. I just need someone to describe how it works.

Pellets, hmm?

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I am going to restart it. Its very sloppy and unorganized. Making it should be quick.

An innocent cluster of "Gitrons" floating in space.

The same "Gitrons" after a super bomb hit them. You can still see some of the grenade fragments flying close to them.

Muahahahahahaaa! Justice is served!


Yep, Tennis practice starts Monday. It's going to be rough on me since I have laid around for two weeks. I have lost about 10 lbs too. It's going to be fun piggin' out and gaining it back. CiCi's anyone?

7250 hits



RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

No offense, but those sprites suck. Anyways, it looks like a cool game. And good luck with tennis.

The only kind I've ever played is Wii tennis, and I want to do the real thing. =(

gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago

None taken, I'm redoing everything in Flash. The guns are looking pretty nice.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 1 month ago

may wanna use particles, the only problem is people don't know how to kill them, so they get immense lag.

Also, where the fuck are these CiCi's, it's a pizza place, right? The only CiCi's I've seen is a nail salon in Brooklyn.

LoserHands 17 years, 1 month ago

In Flash? That will be interesting.

Your fragments are all facing the same direction, FYI.

gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago
Lethal 17 years, 1 month ago

I play tennis from time-to-time in real life. Great game!

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

Wait, I thought sk8 was banned?

And also, never assume that if you're good at Wii Sports that you'll be good at the real thing. I have the shiny ball (Pro level) in Wii Bowling, then I went out to bowl with my friends and my high score was like 32. D=

Cesar 17 years, 1 month ago


Fail, I get at least a 140 while Bowling, and I'm a pro at every sport in Wii Sports XD

I'm good at all the sports but Boxing in real life :P

Kaz 17 years, 1 month ago


The length argument should be the same in both if you want to create it in a circle.

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

LOL. I'm Pro in Bowling, but I lose my shiny ball when I get it. =(