It's Shorter!Ahh the irony… I registered a .tk account so my website name can be shorter. It is . A lot easier to type, and for anyone who hasn't heard of .tk it is just a reference site. So from to
PelletsNew name for Pellets is Death by Lead, as suggested by MrNitro
So far I have done all of the sprites I am using in Flash. They look a ton better. I've got some shell "physics" shown below.
It looks good so I'm probably not going to change anything on it.
So far I have the AK47 and M9 drawn up. I am still working on animating the pistol to cock back to reload. Sounds are out of the question right now.
CiCi's!I am finally getting to go to CiCi's Friday. For you poor, tortured people who have never heard of it, few more people are going and we are going to have an eating competition. They have the most variety in pizza compared to any other place I have been to.
Flash HelpIf anyone knows how to, I need help getting custom buttons to work on a website made in Flash.
On your site, it says verison where it should say version. I know, I'm annoying.Gah that's so freakin' annoying! j/k
I haven't noticed that.17, 21, and 27. That's 65. Could've been 70…
17 < 21 < 27
0_oNext time my friend, next time!