What To Do.../iTunes

Posted by gtvg on Feb. 20, 2008, 10:31 p.m.

What To Do…

I have 3 projects 4 projects I am currently working on. One is a secret. The other three have about the same amount of work done.

The Legend of Argwaaf

RPG with day/night system, combat, store(mostly) and a nice environment

Death by Lead

A very violent, bloody side scroller

Armed Offense

Which one would you like to see finished? I hope to finish all of them, yeah right. Right now I am working on TLOA.

In the next blog, (tomorrow, maybe?) I will tell more about the secret little project I am working on, which is not a game.


A funny little somethin' someone made. Like that herb I do.


Is iTunes worth it? Or is Limewire better? Since I put the songs on my mp3 I like to have the right info and songs to be consistent. I downloaded a tag editor but it takes forever to fix the info. Just wonderin' of the cost is better.

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gtvg 17 years ago

How much does a song cost on iTunes?

[deleted user] 17 years ago

I downloaded a tag editor
Why the hell would you do that? You can just change file info in the media player. And it's not that hard.

If the iPod can play mp3 files, sure.
If the iPod can't play mp3 files, why would you bother buying one? And the by buying m4a's from iTunes, it means you'll soon be stuck with a whole heap of them, and they'll be a pain to convert, and useless without an iPod. You'd be better off getting songs from something that isn't Limewire (because it's not all that great), like using torrents, or rapidshare. If you really want to use something like Limewire, apparently Frostwire is a tonne better.

Kaz 17 years ago

In all, you shouldn't pirate music.
Shut up Captain Morality. I'd say about half the users on the site download much more than just music.

E-Magination 17 years ago

Paying per song is IMO outdated anyway. Especially if you start realising how bad 99% (yes I'm serious) of all mainstream music is.

in b4 mainstream sux

SquareWheel 17 years ago

I use Frostwire myself, along with torrents for full albums.