Hey people.
im new here and i honestly have NO idea why i joined. here's something special… my bro is meow44. he showed me this one blog of matrix thing… where the guy cudnt spell and we decided he was high. i liked it so i joined :]]uhm. well apparently this thing has to be 300 characters long… and so i dnt wanna bore you…cuz apparantly im not allowed to do that either!! stupid rules..anyways. oo! here's something. CRCT. we just got done today and i basically failed. we had socail studies today and i KNOW that i failed. uhm another thing to talk about is …nothing? i honestly dont like to blog when i KNOW that people are gunna read it.. especially since it doesnt seem as this is a very big community.. so its certain the majority of you will read this. have fun. go wild. i dont care.so if you guys have any advice or tips on how to actually have fun on this site…let me know cuz im not really in2 games that much BUT i dont hate them either.thanks loads!
but i can read this.
Using your brain can also garner much less attention than not using it. There are many examples.
inb4likeyourawrspoonWelcome to 64Digits, mmmmkay?
Yay, controversies.