Wii-tacular adventures of Hobo

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Nov. 19, 2006, 10:48 a.m.

Today I got my nintendo Wii :o

Its very nice, I got Red Steel for it and it is amazing. Later I plan to pick up LoZ: TP

Anyway, i had lots of fun waiting in line for my Wii :). It was like a community bonding, everybody was happy and it turned out to be one big party practally.

I arrived at the target at about 5:30 in the morning. We see that the line is freaking huge already 0.0 It streched around the corner and was probally 50 yards long. Up front were the warriors who camped out the night xD. I wanted to do that so bad…. my dad even said I could. But we get into line, and i start talking to this guy whos was like 23. Who was an art teacher at some school. He said that he had nothing else to do and his girlfriend was bitching at him, so he went out to get a wii.

This guy knew a whole buncha people. He had an idea and he got his friend to pull up in his car wearing a blue polo and say, "Hey, im dave the night manager at the toys r us accross the street. Our trucks just came in and were gonna start dishing out the Wiis." About 15 people got out of line and went accross the street to toys r us. Which opened an hour after target and had a buncha pre-orders. He also knew somebody who worked at target, so we had insider info :o. He found out that they had 120 in stock, with 120 of each game.

The guy had told me that he went to the other target and he was 82nd out of 81 in line. He was pissed so he came here. The person who was infront of him he told me was some crazy miner looking guy. Then we saw him at our target and we were laughing so much xD

After that, there was some big jamacian guy up in front of us. He brought a big cooler of drinks and chips with salsa :o

We munched on that for a bit, then the target manager guy came out. He started handing out 'golden tickets' in order to get your wii. If you got a ticket, you were guarenteed a wii. We see him coming around the corner, and he only had a few left :X.

It turns out that I was 113th out of 120. So without those people leaving earlier, I wouldnt have my wii.

I hope another console comes out so i can throw a party up there, it was so fun. Some guy at the front of the line had a TV connected to Targets cable, and was playing counterstrike on his Sony Viao.

Now off to play some more red steel :)


melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

Haha, I waited in line for a whole 12 hours. I got Red Steel, and so far I'm quite disappointed in it, since it lacks too much polish. Wii sports of freaking fun, however.

Takagi 18 years, 3 months ago

Meh, I was only 94 out of 130.

basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago

I was 51 out of 50 dammit!