The Raider is in the BUILDING!

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Dec. 5, 2006, 3:38 p.m.

Thats the code in my school for a lockdown. During a lockdown, that either means that crazed Canadian terrorists are invading the school, or they are just doing a drug search :).

Just a few days ago, we had one. None of the teachers know about it, only the administration. I was in Software Apps that day, with some 80 year old sub who didnt give a shit what we did on the computer… We were pretending to watch some movie when I get a note to go to guidance. I forgot to write the date on the permission slip to go somewhere -_-

All of a sudden when I was in guidance, I hear my principal say " THE RAIDER IS IN THE BUILDING!!!" I asked if I could run down the hall, like 2 classes down, to get back to my class. The guidance nazi told me that I couldnt because I could get shot :o!

So I was trapped in a small room with 10 loud obnoxious fat white woman for three hours while the cops searched my school for drugs.

There is a little couch in there and i crashed on that and took an hour power nap…

I was so mad because I wasted the perfect chance to play Castlevania and Pokemon Pinball roms on the computer >:o! And there are two hot freshmen girls in that class, I wouldnt mind being trapped in a room with them for two hours ;)

New banner btw.


Who is the rapper in my banner? Winner get a spot in BBQ4

Yes, TG gave me permission to do this XD


Josea 18 years, 2 months ago

Oh, the code for that in my school is…huh….well, when you hear people screaming and shots you'll know.

Yeah, that stuff doesn't happen in my school, heck, If the police searched the schools for drugs, I think they would find more than they do in the borders with Colombia =O

Evilish 18 years, 2 months ago

Wow, I don't think my schools ever gone into lockdown, even when every school around it did.

We've had a drive by shooting, and a guy on a bike escaping from the police crashed in our school, we've even had a murder, but no lockdown eh…

And drug searchs! Drugs are the funniest part of the day, seeing a lost fanatic attack a wall because he thinks it's a secret pathway.

Kaz 18 years, 2 months ago

lmfao I wish that would happen here.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

Ah yes, when the police do drug searches at our school they bring in the dogs. It's strangely satisfying to hear those hounds howl.

Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

Phew, at least it wasn't as bad as they alerted PM that he had 24 hours to live… unfortunately, the doctor forgot to call him the day before =/

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, but let me tell you… those were the sweetest peaches I had ever eaten.

Rob 18 years, 2 months ago

XD at psm's 1st comment

poultry 18 years, 2 months ago


Seriously, the guy couldn't get it away from him! Then they search it and there is NO TRACES OF DRUGS.

It was sooo messed up, they didn't even pay for it.

Moikle 15 years, 3 months ago


Yeah, that stuff doesn't happen in my school,

stuff like that doesn't happen in my country.