Break, Holidays

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Dec. 21, 2006, 4:01 p.m.

Happy Holidays to everybody on 64digits :)

Anyways… tomorrow is my last day of school before break. I know some of these lucky bastards got out a day early… But I'm actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow. My schedule is incredibly easy, its not even funny. Plus everybody is all hyped up for the holidays.

First Period: French - NOTHING, my teacher already told us she was taking off and that we would have a sub. And she didn't make a lesson plan, so we would probably watch finding nemo or something…

Second Period: Software apps - My teacher is kinda weird, but I learned that she used to teach a game designing class, and that she knew GML pretty well. She told us tomorrow that we could bring in anything that has "technology." Somebody is bringing DDR with 2 dance pads, and a bunch of other people are bringing their DS. Fun class

Third Period: Bio - Nothing, probably some cheesy Bill Nye movie that we will eventually just turn off and chill with people. Plus the girl that I like is in that class.

Fourth Period: Algebra 2 - My math teacher is like 25, he dosent give a crap either. He told us that if somebody brought in a movie that was "appropriate" then we could watch it.

Fifth Period: Government - For the past few days we have been watching some movie on the Clinton sex scandal. But we mainly just hang out anyway. These two kids in my class also have rap battles so its pretty funny :D

Sixth Period: Holiday Concert - This is the highlight of my day. About 6 people that I know are bringing their DS and Mario Kart. During the concert, none of the staff watches us. They just make sure that we are quiet. This guy planned a Grand Prix during the concert XD. I can't wait for that.

After: Go home, go to the mall with all the crazy X-mas shoppers, find people to hang with, try and find a holiday party :)


Graydon 18 years, 2 months ago

I thought about pulling the fire alarm lots of times. But if you do it at my school without there being a fire, you might get expelled.

V 18 years, 2 months ago

Lol. I got out a week before and 3 days. But w/e.

AthamX 18 years, 2 months ago

"Did you hear a couple of my friends shouting at you when everyone was standing outside 'cause someone had pulled the fire alarm in the tech wing? "

Oh, that was you guys. I didn't know who it was and I couldn't tell who was shouting my name so I just ignored it