
Posted by hobomonkeyc on Jan. 16, 2007, 4:36 p.m.

Yep, this is the week of midterms for most of us in high school. Last year, a barley studied, and didn't do that well lol. So I'm gonna try to change that this year and study a crap load :D

Plus, if I get good grades, I can do whatever I want practically.

Today, I took the French III midterm. It was hard like I expected, but I came in prepared and I think I got a solid C, maybe B on it. Which will be good compared to the rest of the class.

Tomorrow I have Software Apps and Biology. The software Apps one is a joke, I could have done it when I was like 10… So I'll probably just end up listening to my ipod and playing some games offa 64d like usual.

For Bio, my teacher is being really nice. She is letting us cram as much info onto a 4 in x 6 in note card. She said it can't be typed though, so I gotta handwrite it… I paid my small Asian friend to write like half of it. He literally fit half of my textbook on the front of the note card… It's so small, and I have 20/15 vision :P

Oh, and my friend plans to just run by the classroom during the midterms and scream at the top of his lungs under the door, then run like hell.

Should be fun :)

Oh, one more thing. WHAT THE FUCK! It's getting so cold, and it hasn't snowed over an inch so far this year… Last Saturday it was 70 degrees. I wore freaking shorts in January…

Now its just getting cold, and no snow. I hope we get a crap load the week after midterms though :o

We already have a 3-day weekend, so 3day weekend+snowdays = ownage.


Graydon 18 years ago

I don't have midterms till next week.

Firebird 18 years ago

No one cares.

DesertFox 18 years ago

I'm gonna try to change that this year and study a crap load :D

[ film noir ] Hobomonkeyc stared into the toilet for hours, absorbing every detail, knowing his life depended on it! - /film noir ]

hobomonkeyc 18 years ago

I hope that wasn't directed at me… Otherwise I'll burn your village and kill your crops :|

hobomonkeyc 18 years ago

@ DF

Good idea, brb

Firebird 18 years ago

My crops are unkillable!

Besides, that wasn't directed at you.

Firebird 18 years ago

And my village is unburnable.

Graydon 18 years ago

It seems that everyone is ignoring me these days.

Cesar 18 years ago

I don't have midterms until March… our school has 4 classes per half a year, so we have a LOT less homework :D

hobomonkeyc 18 years ago

you suck :D