work blows

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Aug. 1, 2006, 10:49 a.m.

I was at work, and I push carts into the supermarket in like 100 degree weather… so I took a little 5 minute breather and was rolling a cart with my feet lol. Then some lady comes up to me and yells at me for not doing my job

"Screw you mind your own business" i replied

She stormed off and i laughed

Were also supposed to load peoples groceries into thier car, and sometimes the nice people tip us, but usually not. Most people that tip just sit in thier car and let us load then they hand us a dollar or so. This lady had the nerve to pull up, honk at me, then popped her trunk, then point to her groceries assuming i would load them. I just sat there and laughed at her, then my friend came up and closed her trunk xD We were laughing so hard that we were crying. Then after she loaded her own shit, we yelled BYE BITCH! :)

i hate work

btw this all happened in one day 0.0

The general manager dosent give a shit about what we do as long as we get our job done so thats pretty much the only reason im staying there


hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

AZ heat isnt humid though, its desert all dry heat

up here we have 95 degree weather that feels like 110 because the moisture is cooking it like an oven

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

down here it's 100-110 degree weather with tons of moisture, because i live near the gulf…

Mordi 18 years, 6 months ago

You havent been fired? Strange. Anyways, you sound like a real pain in the bum. A real jerk. An ugly mole on society's hairy ass.

Wow, two subliminal messages in one day, first it was "1337 hits" now its "1887 hits" (Loot?)

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

You havent been fired? Strange. Anyways, you sound like a real pain in the bum. A real jerk. An ugly mole on society's hairy ass.

No, i just keep it real

$6.15 an hour dosent include being nice

Alx 18 years, 6 months ago

AZ heat isnt humid though, its desert all dry heat

up here we have 95 degree weather that feels like 110 because the moisture is cooking it like an oven

Actually we have been having freak rain storms lately

duckman 18 years, 6 months ago

Lawl. Good work.

duckman 18 years, 6 months ago

For all of the people who think he is being rude; did you actually read how rude the other people were to him? If I were him, I would be just as rude as the person was to me. Nice work standing up for yourself.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

For all of the people who think he is being rude; did you actually read how rude the other people were to him? If I were him, I would be just as rude as the person was to me. Nice work standing up for yourself.

haha thanks, those pricks deserved it anyway :P