I just had my first football practice of the season and it was hard as hell 0.0
2 miles, sprints, then 2 more milesand thats all we did for practice, and then after, my coach was like, "Oh by the way, this practice wasent mandatory" and you hear everybody just moan :(Well, i took a shower, ate and got on youtube and found a very funny video :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjpn3L3bSJQ&mode=related&search=check it outand happy mod-ship to chiggerfruit
4 miles? Lucky.
football as in football or football as in the american name for a game that only uses the foot during kick-off and for nothing else but running?
football american style :)
aka the good onei've never heard of it…
Yay! Miles are fun! ^_^
@person who edited snakemans quote :D