Football tryouts

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Aug. 18, 2006, 7:58 p.m.

This last week i have been very inactive due to football tryouts : Its pretty much a week of hell to see how good you can hang together…and even if you do, you could still get cut. So far i have been through 5 days of practice, and i have about 1 1/2 to go.

Day 1: CONDITONING… this was a no pads day… -thank god- but it was probally the most running that i have done in my life all in 4 hours. First we started out doing agility things that would get you loose and ready to run, along with some streches. We had to run to miles, 8 times around the track, then run sprints for the rest of practice. One kid passed out and had to go to the hospital and get IV's into his body. I felt like complete shit afterwards and went to bed at 5:00 lol

Day 2: FULL PADS… Today was the first day i would strap on my pads and pretty much do the same thing that we did in Day 1…except with 15 lbs more on you with the helmet, shoulder pads and leg pads. This was a two-a-day practice in which we had a practice in the morning, an hour lunch break then another practice in the evening. We ran the whole first practice. The second practice we split up into our position groups and worked on running routes and catching passes from the QBs. The second practice wasent nearly as hard as the first but i was tired as hell 0.0

Day 3: LOL @ NOOBS… This was the day where we started full contact with pads. The harder you hit the living crap out of somebody, the better you were. We did "Oklahomas" where one person lays on thier back with a football, and the other person lays back also. Then you pretty much just try to stop the ball carrier/get the ball to the other side. Of cource i got paired with my big ass friend Kevin who nailed me lol. But after that i did pretty good and sent some freshmen eating grass :). After that we did "Group Oklahomas" which is pretty much the same thing except with one more person helping you out. THANK GOD i got paired with my big friend kevin again lol. We went against a group of little freshmen and my friend kevin dominated both of them at the same time so i didnt have to do anything :P. After this we went to lunch, then for the evening practice we broke up into groups and did the same thing in Day 2

Day 4: This was the exact same thing as Day 5 except we worked on defence during the evening practice

Day 5: Same thing again lol except i took a bad shot to the ribs and it hurts like hell. Nothing broken though, but it stings. I just got taped up and participated in punt/kickoff crew

Tomorrow I have a football scrimage where they split our team into 2 teams and we pretty much face eachother. It should be fun and i should get alot of playing time due to the really small teams

We have a day off on sunday to rest and chillax :)

Offical bewb: twisterghosts left nipple


OBELISK 18 years, 6 months ago

Oklahoma drills are awesome. Are you a wide receiver too?

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

Hah yeah i am, but i think im switching to TE because i can block pretty good and im not the fastest :P