Rant >:0

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Aug. 21, 2006, 2:36 p.m.

I'm sorry but i really have a problem with pricks…

I think i just witnessed probally THE meanist thing i have ever seen im my life. If you look back in my old blog it talks about this kid passing out at football tryouts. He was an OL, and was a pretty big guy, but he was probally one of the coolest and nicest guys ive met. I had recentley found out that he has a heart condition though that makes him really weak and it effects his lungs so he dosent get enough blood/oxygen.

One little punk a$$ kid on the team decided that it would be cool to make fun of him for passing out, something that he cant control. AND to top it off, later today it turns out that my mom knows this kid, and his brother had died of a heat stroke years back from football (who had the same problem)

So i took it to my liberty to punch this kid in the mouth so he wouldnt talk anymore

Then i laughed

And walked away

And laughed some more

Edit: it was off school grounds so i couldnt get in trouble xD


Omega_Squid 18 years, 6 months ago

Right in the snickerdoodles…..>.>

foslock 18 years, 6 months ago

Nice going, I hate when people are made fun of, especially when they are cool. Congrats for standing up for someone else. I can't believe I am quoting a kids movie but "A strong man stands up for himself, but a stronger man stands up for others.'

frenchcon1 18 years, 4 months ago

I'm sorry but i really have a problem with pricks…

yeah, you like to suck them too much… LOL! OWNED!!!

not really. youre cool for punching that mother fucking ass-wipe in the face. good for you