Ratings rant

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Sept. 3, 2006, 3:31 p.m.

[rant] I'm getting annoyed with the way people rate games. People say that they take graphics, gameplay and other crap into effect when they are rating games. I have barley seen anybody give a rating more than three sentences. Its even worse when you can tell the person didnt play the game.

Ratings have dropped in quality. People rate games just because there bored.

And peoples grading systems are twisted. A 10/10 means that the game is good enough to be boxed up and shipped, a perfect. An 8/10 is not an okay.

Just put some more thought into your ratings.

EXAMPLE: Lets just say TG makes a game that is total crap… There will still be some people that are "WoWoz DaT IZ LiKE A 11/10 fO rEalZ" When you submit a game or example, it is your piece of work, your baby. Wouldnt you want to know whats wrong or whats lacking in it?

64d's new golden rule should be:

Rate others the way you would like to be rated

So if you want the bullshit ratings to stop, then start with yourself and rate some games and write out a good review.

And dont delete comments if somebody rates your game bad… It only shows the fact that your game sucks. Get a mod to look at it, and get them to do it, thats thier job anyway :) [/rant]

<img src="http://imageknight.com/images/1157315483.gif">


Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

nice rant…

btw, are you at the internet cafe? :P

lol, that's because people are stupid, they don't want to rate because they're stupid…

chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

It's the feel good system, [in general] everyone has too much kindness to give anybody anything lower than a 6/10 if you can see the person tried to make something good. Too bad it doesn't help anybody. =

So, i'm not saying be mean, just be <b>honest</b> and give <u>optimistic</u> <i>constructive critiscism</i>. =O

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 5 months ago

Nice rant

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

@ pacman no lol

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

@ chigger

yeah, you dont have to go flaming them about thier stuff, but let them know if there is an error, bad graphics etc

But giving people an 8/10 just because you can is stupid and it just makes you look dumb :)

chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

You should also talk about people that take to the other extreme and really bash the people that try.. or downrate for no reason.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

ZOMG! YOU BROKE INTO TG'S HOUSE AND ARE TAKING HIS COMPUTER! :O hobos don't break into people's houses… -_-

anyways, they're not only too kind, but they give a 0/10 for games that aren't that bad, no game should deserve a 0/10. (DToD is the only exception).

Rez 18 years, 5 months ago

Tru dat.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

@ chigger again lol

thats the mods job, to tidy up the noobs flaming for no reason

@ pacman

its possible 0.0 i live about a mile and a half from him

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

And if all of this were to happen, ratings would have a purpose again and if you got a 10/10 game badge…

You should be proud

There are only a few games on here i would consider perfect