Aww cmon everybodys doing it...

Posted by hobomonkeyc on Sept. 18, 2006, 3:16 p.m.

Hey everybody…

Yep, thats right, everybody is making a blog about school. So i decided its time for me to make one also.

School so far has been pretty cool. None of my teachers are total ass holes :D Not that much homework so far, a few projects, but there actually fun and cool.

Period One: French 3- The teacher is pretty cool. She said that the first quarter is the most annoying quarter having her as a teacher cause its all review from french 2. But so far its just been easy and fun. She said we eventually get to go outside when its nice out and "learn outside" aka play some basketball rofl

Period Two: Software Apps 1- This seems to be the only class i have a problem with. I literally have special ed people in my class and its not even a class. My teacher is just on the computer the whole time probally looking at pr0n. So you can probally catch me on 64d during that period. Either that, or playing music offa my comp or fantasy football.

Period Three: Biology- This class would be really fun. The only problem is that the teacher is OCD/Bipolar. Lol thats a really bad combo, but there are alot of cool ppl in this class anyway. I got lucky and i sit next to two hot girls, so it all works out.

Period 4A: Algebra 2- I'm pretty good at math, not amazing, but its not that hard. The only problem is that ive had terrible teachers. This year its totally different, my teacher owns. Hes like 24, and hes really laid back. He asigns a good ammount of work to be done by the end of class, and sometimes he does no homework if were quiet. After were done we can play basketball in the gym, or sometimes sneak into the other lunch periods lol.

Period 4B: Specialty Sports- As some of you may know, i had the childmolester ned flanders looking tech ed teacher 2 weeks ago. My guidance councelor is tight and he switched me out of that class into specialty sports. Its really just PE, but no freshmen. Some of the varsity basketball team is in that class, so we have some really competetive basketball games. The teacher of the class is the varsity basketball coach, and he said that i was playing good :0 Even though ill be trying out for JV this year, im still excited to see wether i can make it or not

Period 5: American Government- The teacher is pretty cool here also. He told us that we will probally have a project every month, but i dont care cause there like powerpoints or making films. There is this one girl in my class though who is a total bitch. I said "sweet i got a 40/40." she said "wow your cool!" So i just called her a bitch, and my teacher chuckled but said thats not cool :D!

Period 6: English- Meh its english, i do sit next to this hot girl though. And she dosent notice if i listen to my ipod.

Well, off to do some homework

and elictis map is almost finished, it should be pretty schmexy


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

:D peer pressure!!!

DFortun81 18 years, 5 months ago

To bend to peer pressure is to bend to future crack addicts. (don't do it mmmkay?)

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

To bend to peer pressure is to bend to future crack addicts. (don't do it mmmkay?)

did you even read the blog?


Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

lmao, and english always gets us geeks sitting next to a hot girl XD

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah dude, shes the only person i know in that class. The rest of the people are weird o.0

shadowstrike32 18 years, 5 months ago

sorry mate, Im just not like that.

Az 18 years, 5 months ago

Drugs are not good. There is a kid I know who takes a daily shot of heroin.