Hey all. I'm new to this place. I submitted my first game today. It's a skydiving game called Skyfaller.
Here's a screeny: <img src="http://64digits.com/users/horcron/Skyfaller_Screeny.PNG">I used the Alyssa Valentine sprite because mageknight53 let me. He's my brother.Here's a link to Skyfaller (pre-submission release):LinkyTell me what you think. I'll add some more stuff if you give me feedback.
Mageknight is cool. I'm working on AV with him. Sorta. My computer got a virus, so I can't use GM until I baseline it and redownload.
But, welcome to 64Digits!Don't Feed Chiken.andEternal has a POSSE.Im hungry :(
Heya. I know you registered, just making you 1 comment closer to a badge. 4 down, 21 to go. xD
um, you only get badges for comments YOU make. The comments that others leave in your blogs do not add to your total…
Really? I thought you got the badges for how many comments there were on your blogs, not including your own.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
okay, fine welcome to 64digits, but don't even bother talking about crappy games until
a: you are betterb: you have awesome power that every one will obey youI'd aim for choice aI forgot, WHAT IS UP WITH oh please click on my linky?!
Your game is kinda good but you need to make it so that you can't go off-sides. I'm racking up major points after the end.