I'm new

Posted by horcron on Aug. 13, 2006, 3 p.m.

Hey all. I'm new to this place. I submitted my first game today. It's a skydiving game called Skyfaller.

Here's a screeny:

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/horcron/Skyfaller_Screeny.PNG">

I used the Alyssa Valentine sprite because mageknight53 let me. He's my brother.

Here's a link to Skyfaller (pre-submission release):


Tell me what you think. I'll add some more stuff if you give me feedback.


Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Mageknight is cool. I'm working on AV with him. Sorta. My computer got a virus, so I can't use GM until I baseline it and redownload.

But, welcome to 64Digits!

Don't Feed Chiken.


Eternal has a POSSE.

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

Im hungry :(

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago


Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

Heya. I know you registered, just making you 1 comment closer to a badge. 4 down, 21 to go. xD

Tasm 18 years, 4 months ago

um, you only get badges for comments YOU make. The comments that others leave in your blogs do not add to your total…

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Really? I thought you got the badges for how many comments there were on your blogs, not including your own.

Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Siert 18 years, 4 months ago

okay, fine welcome to 64digits, but don't even bother talking about crappy games until

a: you are better

b: you have awesome power that every one will obey you

I'd aim for choice a

Siert 18 years, 4 months ago

I forgot, WHAT IS UP WITH oh please click on my linky?!

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

Your game is kinda good but you need to make it so that you can't go off-sides. I'm racking up major points after the end.
