Insane turbo project! wasted :(

Posted by hte_david on Dec. 29, 2007, 5:55 a.m.

So… I'm bored today, and I'm making a completely insane minigame. So stay tuned, as I will upload it later today. All I can say is that I'm using some music from Madness (the chicken one) and that the title is "Balls of Fire". Oh, and I'm using some sounds from Quake [:D].

I know that this isn't what most people define as frontpage material, but give it a chance. I will also update this entry with a link as soon as the game is done.

Ok… Small change: Now we have this main character looking like some sorta mix between a zombie on coke, and an egg.

Plus, we have these two weapons: Gun (of course) and my li'l invention "Da Hand Cannon" I would be happy if you could post some ideas for weapons or enemies… Quick please! I need them today!

EDIT: DAMNIT! I took it off the frontpage! Let's put it back where it belongs… Heh…

DOH! I think I've started something that might be very hard to complete… So I'm borrowing some effects from Gamecave… You know… For the gore… Yeah, I'm THAT lazy!

EDIT AGAIN: DOOOH! I got stress -_- I can't consentrate… Ok… So what have we learned from this? "A game with a 8 hour deadline without any plannings or ideas from the beginning… Well… That's NOT a good idea!" I will still be working on it, but I can't guarantee that I release it today.


edmunn 16 years, 10 months ago

Seems interesting…

F1ak3r 16 years, 10 months ago

Logic dictates that you should have MADE the entry once the game was done.

hte_david 16 years, 10 months ago

F1ak3r @ There's no fun in that…

Ice of sweden 16 years, 10 months ago

There is already a weapon in RE called handcannon +p

hte_david 16 years, 10 months ago

Great :P Let's call it something else then… Any ideas?