New blog, new life (Sorta)!

Posted by jemgames on April 10, 2007, 5:46 p.m.

Well! Hi everyone, and welcome to my new blog. All my old ones failed spectatully, so i wanna see if i can make this one last. To be honest i never really like 64digits, but i can see that its a great community and the only reason why im not strong on the blog front is im too lazy. But first of all - I HAVE A BADGE! Yay!



<img src=""><br>Right. I'm working on a few projects with my team, UntrueStudios. Check out our site at: <a href=""></a>. Anyway! The projects that we are doing are all VERY exciting. I've got 2 main games that im doing, and one is nearing completion. I will post some screenies next blog, but here is some info: The game that i have nearly finished is called CubedIn, and its a cool little puzzle game. I am quite secritive so i wont release any details, but it will have multiplayer and highscores! I am about 70% of the way, so it looks like there is a good chance of this getting finished. The other project (very secret, coincidently) is called War of the Humps, and is a TDS with camels!



<img src=""><br>

Well, hope everyone had a nice easter, and enjoyed putting on weight yet again, for another year. I myself am currently in North Cyprus, where my dad lives. For those who are interested, i was given a Terry's Chocolate Orange Segsations Easter Egg, A 3 Bar pack of Toblorone, A Packet of Chubb Chubb lollipops and a Cadbury Buttons Easter Egg. I've had better hauls, but, all in all a good easter!



Over at the Reflect Games Forum, we have been discussing Apple Mac's. The majority of the people there dont like a

them, but yesterday my dad bought me a iMac, 24 inch, dual core CPU, amazing thing. What do you guys think of Mac's?


Well that's my blog for now, but i will have more, next week folks!


IdiotProof 17 years, 10 months ago

Quote: jemgames
i rest my case.
Heh, this is exactly what it was like when I had to use mac:

Kaz 17 years, 10 months ago

but for my creativity perposes, music, 3d modelling, graphics, flash etc i use my mac
Yeah, I used to make music too. I wasn't very good, but it was music.

Yep, done 3d modeling too, still have my models.

Photoshop works the same on a PC as it does on a Mac.

Flash pwns, you don't need a Mac to use Flash.

Everything you can do on a Mac, you can do on a PC much faster and better.

PhantomModerator4 17 years, 10 months ago

zweet site! I love construction pages! This ones going in the book marks!

Adventus 17 years, 10 months ago

Apparently Macs are good for doing one thing really well…. and the rest really crap.

Kaz 17 years, 10 months ago

Pretty much.

jemgames 17 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Shadow Yoshi
"Name one thing your PC can do that my Mac can't!"

"Right click"
All you have to do is hold alt while clicking…

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!