So what do you think makes a good blog?
Actually, I should find out what blogs are for first…well I'm using this to supply my fans (no one) with the latest news and developments in my games. Yes that's right, a load of rubbish. YAR! I like the word YAR!I don't like fan-made games, they're pointless and stupid and crap compared to commercial verisons (and are mostly crap compared or not)I don't like internet/text slang/crap. IT'S STUPID.I LOVE THE WII!But I don't have one. I preordered one but didn't get it as they ran out, but I got legend of zleda TP for xmas and Red steel because I bought it with the wii I haven't got. I also got a classic controller for xmas and I got a wii remote I ordered with the wii a couple of days ago. All this stuff and no damn wii. It sucks kind of.I LIKE ROCK MUSIC AND MUSE (they are more than rock music)!I like game maker; it is awesome.I'm good at STORYTELLING, so my next game is bound to be an ACTION-ORIENTATED RPG. You don't like the sound of it?Well I don't really like RPG combat or anything much, but I like the way they tell stories better than any other type of game. BYE FOR NOW…
A little hint ;)
i like a good story in a game :) look forward to seeing some of your stories
Basically, take this blog, and put it through a quantum reverser.
Thanks for your comments and what the hell is a quantum reverser?
(I don't think I'm going to get an answer. Ever) Ah, what the hell, I'll look it up on wikipedia. Wikipedia rocks.Yeah I have heard of Radiohead and they've recieved rave reviews, but if you're comparing them to Muse…I think most similarities evaporated around their seocnd album.But I'm not knocking Radiohead, I like their music!I hope so! Part of the reason is all the random battles. The only RPGs I've completed are Final fantasy 7 and 8, and I used to hate the random battles. You try to get to like, a house or something,a and - oh! RANDOM BATTLE. That was a close one. Almost there… RANDOM BATTLE. And over and over again…