Damn thing

Posted by jimbob on March 11, 2007, 7:57 a.m.

Yeah I just learnt that I'm a really crappy coder. Well I knew that all the time, but SERIOUSLY crappy. So I'm starting to learn GML from scratch again, and following the manual by the word. Well, almost.

Thanks to some help form the GMC, the player can go up slopes and stuff. Now I'm trying to make ladders work. And jumping. And make it half decent. Yeah so about the new premise for Codegame…

Codegame was originally a side-scrolling action shooter. Well now I've opted for a more tranquil approach, taking influence from the original Tomb Raider. Codegame will not be a copy, a clone, I hate some of those, especially when they're crappy, but Codegame will implement some features similar to those found in the original Tomb Raider. Such as…


Spikes… hehehehe….;

Crumbling floors;

Ambient soundtrack (Tomb Raider's sountrack is one of the best, in my opinion);


Moveable Blocks.. grrrr;

and some other stuff. But I don't want guns in it, and the player will have to avoid the enemies.

Now I must stop chatting so I can learn GML properly.

Oh yeah I have a GCSE science test on Monday. Must revise, force myself to revise…. garghhh

Yeah but Codegame's third incarnation is stripped down alot from the original concept.

I am also simultaneously developing, or rather playing with the idea of a 2D, side scrolling shooter.


marbs 17 years, 11 months ago

Is it a GCSE module? I had 3 of them on wednesday, and have 6 more coming up in 2 months. Whoop de doo.

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

yeah it's a module.

Jaythediv 17 years, 11 months ago

Sounds like a good idea on your game, reminds me a bit of Flashback - dunno if you ever played it, but that was a mint game back in the day.

Good luck with your GCSE's and improving your GML.

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

I'll research that game Flashback, see if it gives me more ideas. Thanks for your good luck!

mazimadu 17 years, 11 months ago

There is no such thing as a 2D side scrolling FPS

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

oh yeah, I just thought of what FPS stands for - first person shooter - but it plays a bit like one. Ok, so it's an FPS without the FP… so it's an S. A shooter. I'd better edit that.