sandbox game update

Posted by jimbob on June 1, 2007, 5:26 p.m.

Thanks guys! Due to the positive response I've received I'm more motivated to do stuff!

Anyway, I'm working out how combat will work. So far the bad guys (that's all there is for now) just follow you around when you get too close, and watch you as you walk past…. creepy? Just a little.

Anyway, I'm thinking of scrapping the whole school thing, and having nerds and those gangs, and instead it just taking place in a town, where instead of having nerds and jocks you have different personality types, for example people who will run away and cower, people who will run and call for the police, and people who will stay and fight.

I'm making a list of things to do, just some random list. I really want to make a feauture where you can throw stuff at people as you ride along on a bike… that'd just be funny. Anyway, the list is getting pretty long now and it's still growing… I wonder how long it'll take for me to implement all these features?

Graphics… are typical top-downness, I reckon. They're kind of cubic and, erm stuff. They look decent for me… looks like this is a one-man project, guys!

Here's an example of the player's sprites:

erm, HOW DO YOU PUT PICTURES HERE?! I'm an ass, yeah yeah…

Maybe next time I'll post the list so far?


The virtual physics system I was going on about last time… I suppose I meant by a stimulated physics system (virtual = stimulated? hmm) was that it wasn't going to be calculated in real-time, the vehicles have pre-designated directions to move into when the player's vehicle hits at a certain point.


Cesque 17 years, 8 months ago

Sounds cool. Some screenshots to look at the graphics would be nice.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 8 months ago

<a href="">Sandbox Game</a>

jimbob 17 years, 8 months ago

DAMN IT THERE ARE NO ORIGINAL IDEAS ANYMORE?! AH well who cares. At least I'm not making some crappy mario clone or something.