I'm Writing a Book

Posted by josh on May 18, 2005, 11 p.m.

I'm currently writing a book in a trilogy called The Gyroblader. I won't be giving away to much info at this point, but I will say I have a 6-page long prologue and an 8-page long chapter 1 done, and it is going quite well. I will post an excerpt at most soon for you'll to read and give feedback. Anyway, here's the summary:

QUOTE(The Gyroblader Official Site)

A secret kept hidden for thousands of years has been discovered by an elf named Sipheris. In the journey he and his friend, Barrowler, took, they found the legendary stone called gyro, a scarlet-colored rock that can do anything possible known to whoever carries it.

When the dark lord of the land Malgarion, Malgron, finds the two strangers, he is enraged and kills Sipheris in a cataclysmic battle of magic which destroys every last gyro in the room, all except two.

Barrowler just have narrowly escaped, he is determined to seek revenge against Malgron, but knows he is not the right person to do so. Now he must give the stone to Sipheris' son, Galdreon, and together, train to become one of the greatest Shylians (warriors of Malgarion), and defeat Malgron.

The only thing that is left out of there is that Malgron is constantly looking for the person who has the other gyro, because you will find out that there must be two stones to combine to form something that can cause armageddon, or destruction of everything. That is what the Gyroblader is. It is actually a sword that has flames coming from the handle up around the blade, as I will post a picture I have drawn of it up here soon. I haven't got a title for the book yet, just the trilogy. But I'm thinking of calling it Galdreon. Anyway, give feedback, and you can visit the site at http://www.geocities.com/jhbooks2004

I hope to finish this book in the next two years.

Alot of people who have read my book when I was planning it liked it, and I've had this idea (or something similar) since about the year 2000, when it was originally a planet that this was on and instead of the gyro it was like a core or something. Anyway, just give feedback and I'll post more soon.

You can read an excerpt here: http://www.geocities.com/jhbooks2004/excerpt.html

- Soon-to-be author Josh


Canadonian 19 years, 9 months ago

Hmm its sorta hard to say anything at this time because the summary you gave us just throws us into the story assuming we know about the past of the characters and land. I guess its because of the short quote, but i like it. Maybe a short description of the passed would rise the interest.

josh 19 years, 9 months ago

Yes, I know.

What do you mean by past? Like what happen to cause everything like what happened in the summary? Actually… Here's the excerpt from page 1 of prologue… well actually I'll post it later in my original blog.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Okay, honestly, I didn't read your whole entry. What I read sounds promising, but not really my type of book, so I didn't bother reading the whole thing.

Anyway, the reason I came here, is to tell you that I got the message you sent a few days ago, about the blogs and stuff.

I just want you to know that those changes/features will be made as soon as possible. Unfortunatly, I can't work on them this weekend, and I'm extremely busy with other stuff, however, I will get around to doing them (Hopefuly by next weekend)

We really appreciate the feedback/sugestions! =)

Let us know of every little thing you find on here, that you don't want/would like to see.

If you get too anoying, we'll ban you. (I really really really want to use the ban feature. So tell us everything!)

I'm joking, you won't get banned. But yeah, send us stuff.

Also, for now, I made this a little feature to hold people over until I make it so you can sort the user listings (So the user with the most blog entries is at the top, etc)

<a href="http://www.64digits.com/users/index.php?cmd=view_with_entry" target="_blank">http://www.64digits.com/users/index.php?cmd=view_with_entry</a>

It'll only display the users with blog entries. I hope that holds you over, until I get everything else done. =)

Alert Games 18 years, 4 months ago

Yo Josh! I cant believe how old this blog is!

frenchcon1 18 years, 1 month ago

totally 50, mate