My new console

Posted by kegames on July 25, 2007, 4:50 p.m.

Guess what's just happened to me in the last week…

Basically, I've been looking for some new consoles. All I find are like £200-300 consoles.

Went over to my mate's and he says,"i'll sell you my PS2 for £20"

Obviously it's cheaper than the ones they sell in the shops (yeah, some stores still sell them), so, i give him my £20, he gives me the PS2 box.

Got home, opened it up, and guess what???

A ps1 was in there >.<

small note was on top of it, saying "nice trade"

next day, I punch my mate, and he gives me my £20 back.

So, i guess i'm stuck with the PS1 for now, but at least i earnt some money with it.

Went out and bought some games for it.

I got:

- Resident Evil 1 & 2 for £4

- Dino Crisis for £2.50

- Kula World (some of you know it as Roll Away) for £50 (i heard it's really rare.)

- Mortal Kombat Trilogy & Tekken 3 for £3

- Alien Trilogy for £1

Hope to test them out during the next few weeks, and see what i make of it. Still, i got the PS1 for free :S


basilamer 17 years, 7 months ago


Rob 17 years, 7 months ago

CTR is one of my favorite games of all time!

Oh, get Gran Turismo 2

Shork 17 years, 7 months ago

If you get a 360, get ready for a 1 in 3 chance of fail. Microsoft is paying to fix them, but that won't stop them from breaking.

kegames 17 years, 7 months ago

In replies to getting a 360, that was my original thought, but when i heard about the 1/3 chance of problems, i decided to wait until they had fixed it fully.

Just bought Crash Bandicoot 2 + 3, and I'll be on the lookout for CTR.

sumo 17 years, 7 months ago

Hmmm…. My latest console is a NES.(!!!) i got it a few months ago for £10 and i got super mario bros 1 for 99p!

about the 360: They only seem to break if you stuff them in entertainment units or if you overuse them (downloading something overnight then playing it the next morning without letting it cool) mr shrub has one and it hasn't broke yet!