Had a go at Online games…
FAILURE!!!downloaded 39dll, used all the tutorial. Worked.Then came the problem… making a login!i checked for example after example…But i didn't understand.how would the data (account details) from someone's computer reach my computer? twas impossible.I thought,"i know! maybe i could try to get the account details onto an admin page on a website!"… I DON'T KNOW HOW!!! So again, another project is scrapped :(I'm keeping the backup file, just in-case some know-it-all can help out.Anyone who can help out, post a comment onto this and tell me how!!! … i'll give you credit in the game!!!… c'mon, you know you want toKiller Electro, Over and Out :P
Using your own computer could work out a little wrong,being that if your IP changes,you have to release a new version
What i need to know is basically how to make a login like the reflect system's login for Sapphire Tears.
makingonline games:o i do not suck at online games…
well… not… er… just go away :'(Besides, that wasn't the answer to the question, was it?Then again, what WAS the question?Or did the question make another question?I asked a question in which you questioned yourself about the questions of online wqhich questioned me to St in which gave me a question to question about it and to end in this question that isn't a question….
WOOOOOOOOTAh, i see, thats good logic for ya ;)
The reflect system is used with a few scripts,you just need to make the connections IPbased before getting help from Reflect
hmmm… maybe i am going too fast. Maybe i should slow it down a little, since i'm quite new to the online game making system. Maybe someone could teach me? meet me on MSN sometime and teach me how to make them. (yes I am pretty much a newb with online game making, but I am very experienced with GML)