Which actually happens to be every day.
In other news, I haven't used gamemaker in a long time, which I'm sure will depress you, my avid readers, to no end. You're probably thinking along the lines of self-mutilation, but let me assure you: there will be a day where I return to gamemaker. And that day will be glorious.I'm still tossing around ideas in my head for a matlab-esque program, something more graphical than matlab and more simple, but equally competent at linear algebra, matrix reduction, determinants, inverses, all that jazz.Oh, and I want it to actively draw what your matrix represents. So if you're working in three-dimensional space, it'll draw cubes and planes for you. Maybe even cubes with planes in them.Also (and this is directly towards michael, who you all know as twisterghost, but whom I refer to as "broseph"), michael:I'm thinking it's time for a completely new game by you. Nothing that's based on older stuff, so nothing that involves "azns," or, dare I say it, barbeques. Not elicti, either, although that definitely needs a huge update at some point, something along the lines of gml_josea's post on your site.I'm thinking something unique, expansive yet simple, deep, and fun. DO IT.I woke up today seized with an intense feeling of self-adoration
Posted by kevboh on Nov. 3, 2006, 11:37 a.m.
Wow. You've flattered yourself beyond compare.
Was this blog really necassary?
Good idea, I will make a game.
Oh, it was necessary. In fact, if not for this one blog, all that you know and love would cease to exist.
How not funny. [>_>]
and the point of that blog is?
….So suddenly one can not make a blog about life?
Just wait, and see how this turns around and comes to bite you in the kidney.@Kevin-Sounds like a good idea. I've been meaning to make a non Elicti/AzZventure/BBQ/Noobrage/any other game I've made game.