[GENIUS] php, you are a cruel mistress.

Posted by kevboh on Nov. 27, 2006, 2:37 p.m.

Gander in awe at my title, and be blessed with the knowledge that yes, kevboh has jumped on the proverbial "bandwagon" and rather comically appended the sad, lonely truth as a prefix to his illustrious titles.

Now, let us return to the topic at hand. I am currently tasked with the unusual mission of building a website around a community. That is, the online community technically already exists, but, as I am a genius, the drive to convert the community to something streamlined and self-powered was too great: I gave in.

Now, I am in the throes of php, which has become my lapdog and my torturer. Most of the time, the code flies from my fingers like the white glove of a duel, but on occasion I would rather have a vice 'round my nethers than figure a problem out.

My current problem: how do you create a file upload system? No, don't tell me the whole move_uploaded_file deal: I'm getting errors talking smack about Forbidden access and open_basedir paths. See the forum.

Naturally, I am beset with raw emotion over such a blatantly irritating error. I daresay I stomped my foot on the ground and unleashed a wild war cry, the likes of which have not been heard in the States since Howard Dean.

I am fairly sure that, upon hearing my bloodied voice, the Earth shivered.

So, if any of you mere mortals have chanced upon some fix for my problems, or have taken an interest in my emotional appeal, you may comment here or send me a brilliant PM which will alleviate my pain and lead to those seeing you as my near equal.




Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

im a noob, code scares me

kevboh 18 years, 1 month ago

I've done the move_uploaded_file. I am no 'noob,' as you so spitefully suggest.

My echoes inform me that it attempts execution and fails, either because of forbidden file errors or my path is not in open_basedir.

Flea1991 18 years, 1 month ago

Get a different avatar, really.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 1 month ago

I daresay I stomped my foot on the ground and unleashed a wild war cry, the likes of which have not been heard in the States since Howard Dean.


melee-master 18 years, 1 month ago

You have to be sure that the permission set to the folder is one that will allow you to do this. For instance, our folders here at 64D are set to octal 0777.

kevboh 18 years, 1 month ago

I tried setting to 0777, but it didn't change anything. I'll fiddle around some more and get back to you.

jordan 18 years, 1 month ago

I am Jordan, therefor I'm not that smart. I am just a country

kevboh 18 years, 1 month ago

well said.

truly, you are the epitome of wisdom. you are a veritable fountain of knowledge.

Alert Games 18 years, 1 month ago

Why didn't you write a book already? Your knowlege of symbolic meaning is great, thus worthy of writing such a story.

A kid in my Chemisty class wrote that on the desk…

kevboh 18 years, 1 month ago

Alert Games, your suggestion, whilst made in a light and rather flippant manner, has simply plunged me in the midst of a large, ahem, pickle.

Do I write the greatest book in the universe? For surely, that's what it would become.

I hesitate out of kindness. Do you not understand yet, mortal? If I wrote the greatest book in the universe, no one would ever be able to top it, and it would be the end of all writing. Authors would simply read and reread my work, too transfixed on syllabic orgasm to pen a mere letter of something that would surely be drivel next to the opus that is my brainwritings.

Alas, yet again my brilliance has outdone me.