Twilight Princess = Finished.

Posted by kevboh on Dec. 22, 2006, 6 p.m.

December 22nd marks the day when I culminated my over fifty hours of Zelda and slashed my way (looking like a complete idiot in the meanwhile) to the top.

That's right, I, kevboh, have hereby beaten The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

I'll be the first to tell you that there were both ups and downs. I nearly cried during the last scene.

Man, those credits? Get me every time. Right there, in the heart.

Yes, I did have to change batteries in my wiimote because I had played so hard that I drained the last dregs of life from it. I grasped my hard white tool firmly and with conviction: I was a man possessed.

Yup, that's about it for now.


Cesar 18 years ago

I finished it about 2 weeks ago, and it's a good game

Cesar 18 years ago

also, I didn't need to replace the battery, 'cause I got lithium :D

kevboh 18 years ago

I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight because of you, I hope you know that.

blueBX 18 years ago

Still playing it.

marbs 18 years ago

Still haven't got a Wii.

gamehawk 18 years ago


HeroofTime55 18 years ago

:( I want a Wii. I wanted to play Zelda on release day.

Hell, I'll just buy it for the 'cube. It's all the same except the controls, right? :/

melee-master 18 years ago

Hehe… Tp is great. I've spent about 40 hours on it, and I'm only 3/4 done.

(ps: posted with my Wii, hehe. Gotta love the Internet Channel!)

gtvg 18 years ago

That rocks

blueBX 18 years ago

@HeroofTime55:I think the gameplay is better in the Wii.

I already went through my first pack of batteries..