I'm awfully sorry,

Posted by kevboh on Jan. 1, 2007, 9:43 p.m.

but the url http://www.greatgamesexperiment.com/ is terrible, because all I see is:

great game sexperiment .com

Now, I'm all for great things, and I'm also a big fan of games. But sexperiments? Despite the vernacular appeal, I'm afraid that's a bit out of my realm of kinky things I'm willing to do. I can't help but picture a dark, moist stone basement, with some maiden strapped to an operating table, surrounded by various vials and some mad doctor.

Some mad doctor who uses gamemaker.

In other news, I'm considering trying my hand at game making again. I'll probably start out with little things, things to remind me how gml works, and then pick it back up with some large project that I'll never finish.



DFortun81 18 years ago


[deleted user] 18 years ago

OSNAP! Now that's all I see too. DX

drhowell440 18 years ago

Me too!!!!!!!

aeron 18 years ago

That's the first thing I noticed about that url… good thing I never clicked it. Lol.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

Haha, nice.

Daniel-Dane 18 years ago

In other news, I'm considering trying my hand at game making again.
Where were it before then?

Cesque 18 years ago

Have you checked http://www.penisland.net yet?

Theonlywonderboy 18 years ago

^^^xD wow that's not explict in any way shape or form

OBELISK 18 years ago

There's a site called MP3s Hits, but it comes out as www.mp3shits.com XD

Natas 18 years ago

Penisland.net isnt what I hoped it would be [:(]