Sickness wracks my body;

Posted by kevboh on Jan. 7, 2007, 9:57 p.m.

it clings as tightly to me as women do to my loins. At every second the breath I draw may be my last. I shake uncontrollably, and in my anteroom twelvescore maidens weep, for who will sexually please them now that I am inconvenienced by fate and some free-floating viral terror? Outside my chamber window throngs of concerned citizens throw bouquets of roses at my front door and cry "Vive le kevboh," and their only thought is of my health. My phone rings; it must be another world ruler, calling to inquire if he may send his personal physician to aid me. Of course, I must decline: my own riches can yield me medical service vastly superior to any that global power can acquire.

On my brow glistens the merest drop of sweat. My fanmaid notices, and moves her large silk fan more quickly; breezes stir the strand of hair that lies across my face.

If any of you wretches have wondered at my absence, you now know what plagues me. Soon enough, however, I will be hale again, and perhaps I might feel limber enough to accept games again, or visit one of the local harems founded in my name.


Amarin 18 years ago

Oh noes! =O

Flea1991 18 years ago

You seem to have what I had last week….minus the maids and such.

I got better, in three weeks with antibiotics though. :)

Get well soon.


AthamX 18 years ago

Ah well… Now to take over his little maids

blueBX 18 years ago

Yes! Now my plan to take over 64D and the world is almost complete. Now all I have to do is poison melee-master, kill twisterghost by getting rid of BBQ 5, bomb JakeX with noobs, and let firestormx eat his own BBQ meat.

Jabberwock 18 years ago

I'm home sick today too, but I'm not really all that sick. I just have nice parents.

OL 18 years ago

Haha, in a strange way, I love your way with words. Stretching out "I've been ill" into a few paragraphs laden with adjectives is an accomplishment.

V 18 years ago

Lol. I am uber-imune to sickness, thankfully. I didn't get a flu shot at all, and I'm perfectly fine. Must've been that +80% poison resistance bonus I got when I was born.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

A cucumber?

hobomonkeyc 18 years ago

it clings as tightly to me as women do to my loins

I know how you feel :

Get well soon.

Graydon 18 years ago

Could I borrow your maids that seem to be hot female super models.