ajax online game, gm7

Posted by kevboh on Feb. 28, 2007, 12:25 p.m.

Hey everyone!

So I don't really update with my life often, so here are some things:

First, about a week ago I began building a framework for online ajax games. Currently I'm applying it to reversi, so when I've finished a user will be able to create an account and play others in reversi, while keeping a win/loss/tie/quit record and chatting with other players. I'm also adding in features like the ability to directly challenge players (like a friend) or being able to place yourself in a "queue," which will automatically match you up with another player.

People just chilling on the main splash page will be able to start games, talk with everyone on the site, and view the progress of other games. The beauty of it all is that it's all done with a total of one page refresh, and that eventually I could apply this system to any game that's simple enough to warrant a javascript-only logic base.

Second, I downloaded gm7. It looks exactly the same as gm6, except there's a big "YOYO GAMES" logo on the bottom. Blech.

Third, I might be taking over the editing and redesigning of a 30,000 hits a week site. More details on that later.

Fourth, I have to go read and write a quick essay before my grueling 2.5 hour class (5-7:30pm) on Vietnam. Delicious.


P.S. I want to start getting ideas for modules for v3 together, so comment here or PM with good material.


jake0036 17 years, 10 months ago

well on gmc he said

e-mail yo yo games i don't know

marbs 17 years, 10 months ago

application error(rail)
Same here.

firestormx 17 years, 10 months ago

64D gets ~45,000 hits per day.

That error is a subliminal message to stop using GM, and go out and rail cocain.

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

I don't think anyone is happy about the YoYo games thing. I'd be pretty apathetic, except that registering on that site is a pain in the… extremities.

Castypher 17 years, 10 months ago

I agree. It took a wihle to register, plus you need to sign up to YYG. I'm wanting to yell at the silly site.

Quote: me
Just give me the dang registration key! No, I don't want your crud!
Well, that was pretty close. I was getting annoyed.