Web Glacier's Dev

Posted by konstantino on Feb. 6, 2007, 5:33 p.m.

Hello all,

Whatever you're doing when you're not reading this under-active blog escapes me, but nonetheless I have something to share. It's called Web Glacier, and I'd like to start by glorifying Robbie/FirestormX several times.

Thank you Robbie! You're freakin' awesome!

Okay, done. Anyways, Web Glacier is a site project I've pursued. The original idea behind it was to create a site containing universal interest. That sounds a bit hard, no? Well, Robbie and I have successfully finished coding the main layout design. I have to say, it looks great. If you're smart enough to be reading this blog, you get a hot juicy spoiler…

<a href="http://www.webglacier.com/poopa/sandy">Click me!</a>

Hmm…wonder if html works in these forms. If it doesn't, oh well. Anyways, don't share this link to anyone! Especially if you've known about Web Glacier for a while.

Anyways, maTT, Canadonian, whatever the hell he's called here, gave me another great idea. I was inspired by digg.com, and he brought up the idea of making it similar to digg.com. While I don't want to totally rip digg, it sounded like a great idea.

…I plan to attempt that next. Trust me, coding the sounds a lot like hell. But I guess since everyone who's known about WG has been waiting for over a year, they can wait a couple more. :P (Okay, it won't take a year, or even two, but you know what I mean).

The site will be very much a people's site. In fact, the splash image says "Hey. Welcome to community". Community is going to be a big part of WG, and I freakin' mean it! Content will become more apparent based on its popularity, which ultimately relies on users votes, which will be an interactive voting thingy (kinda like diggs, but I'm going to make it seem like its not a rip-off with my awesome web design skills). :p

So lets wrap this up. I started web design with a site called RPG War Zone. Lame, I know. VERY lame. As the name suggests, it was all about RPGs. A few years later, I created Digital Gaming to replace RPG War Zone. It expanded the idea, this time focusing on gaming as a whole. Now I'm going to be creating a site about…well, everything.

Look forward to it! Oh, and be there or be square.



basilamer 18 years ago

Nice, man. The layout kicks ass!

konstantino 18 years ago

Thanks dude. XD Although I am the master designer, you should thank Robbie as well. (Even though he probably will be too lazy to notice your gratitude).

Graydon 18 years ago

Nice layout, it is really proffesional.

basilamer 18 years ago

Dude, your avatar is fucking awesome.(at konastantino)

melee-master 18 years ago

Nice site man.

Kaz 18 years ago


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

I fail to see anything "Web 2.0" about your site. Too many sites throw that term around. It looks pretty Web 1.0 to me…

konstantino 18 years ago

I fail to see anything "Web 2.0" about your site. Too many sites throw that term around. It looks pretty Web 1.0 to me…

Click the fake christmas ad for me. ;) Lightbox (java script), double gradients…and when its done there will be a digg-like system. How can you determine a degree of web 2.0 without seeing a finished product?

firestormx 18 years ago


konstantino 18 years ago

..Yay… :x