Random Blog Entry: One.

Posted by konstantino on July 27, 2005, 11 p.m.

Yo all, Tee here.

Robbie told me to make a blog entry because "the site was dying"…so here it is. :D

What to say…hmmm…Okay. Well, I've seen Version 2, and from the looks of it it's great. I really can't wait till it comes out, since I have never been a fan of this layout. (Matt…you didn't hear anything…or rather, read.)

Also, the second v2 comes up I'll start being more active. (For some reason it's the layout of a site that makes me active on it. XD).

In other news, pokemon is cool, and cheese is great. Also, lol. And in other news, lol.

This was useless.



mooselumph 19 years, 6 months ago

Always cheese…

Why cheese?

orbofwisdom 19 years, 6 months ago

Because cheese r0xx0rs j00 b0xx0rs!!1!

Anyways… glad to hear that v2 is great. Personally, I have no problems with this one, but if it's better…

And Pokemon music rules.

And I'm off! Weeeeee!

konstantino 19 years, 6 months ago

Trust me, v2 kick this layout's [vileword]. ;D

Alpha Man 19 years, 1 month ago

Pokemon sucks.

konstantino 19 years ago

Ya know, it actually does. :/