IP Conundrum

Posted by leemcd56 on Dec. 25, 2007, 8:33 p.m.

I've run my self in circles in this very conundrum:

Add every 5 together (5 x 8) and you get 40. Then, add every 2 together (2 x 4). Add the results of the two products (40 + 8) and divide by the number of sections (48 / 4). Then, divide by the number of numbers in each section (12 / 3). The result should be 4. Therefore, the mask for an IP address (or just the IP address in particular) is, no doubt, 4 bytes.

Of course, it's easier to tell because 1 byte is 8 bits. 1 bit is a binary value of eight consecutive ones and zeros. Thus [ is 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111] in complacent value. 32 bits (8 * 4), or 4 bytes.


I began to think about it when I was very bored in BCT I after a very, very long lecture on networking. I almost murdered my brain thinking "There must be some other way!" Of course, there's not so it's just easier to call me an idiot.


PY 17 years ago

*Cough* I'll leave.