Hui (en un peu français)

Posted by leemcd56 on April 11, 2008, 10:41 a.m.

D'accord. Alors hui es lent. Trés lent. Je es attendre toute la journée pour ma petite amie. J'ai le hui loin de l'ecole. Oui! Je suis excité. Oh oui… demandez pourquoi je suis écris ce blog en français? Je suis alésé. Je n'utilise pas un traducteur. Juste mon cerveau. Comment? OK, I'll stop writing in French. Well, anyway, I have a dilemma. I reinstalled Vista Ultimate on my computer and tried to reactive my copy of Game Maker 7. Well, I didn't run it in Administrator mode, so the license key didn't copy to the registry. Yeah. So, when I tried to reactivate it, the key was denied because it was "In use." Great. So, I contacted Softwrap, as recommended, and I got no response. By the way, this was 4 weeks ago. I contacted them again 2 weeks ago and still have no response. Something's got to give. I'm not going to buy another license. I'll just… deal with it. *sigh* Now I'm GM7less… damn you Microsoft! Damn you Softwrap! Damn you Yo-Yo Games!

P.S. …


ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

Mon francais est tres mauvait, parce-que je n'aime pas mon professeur. Actually, I'm going to Paris with my best friend in a week. Luckily he's French.

leemcd56 16 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Alan
Est-ce que tu as passé un bon jour avec ton petite amie?
Petite amie is girlfriend.

Unaligned 16 years, 9 months ago

And that's why I stated literal translation

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

GM7 rocks da house!

…OK, only becuase I have vista, I'd reccomend getting a crack.

Sure, it's illegal, but you've already paid, so… actually, it wouldn't hold up in court.

You could always try XNA, XNA kicks ass.

gtvg 16 years, 9 months ago

GM7 crack?

Scott_AW 16 years, 9 months ago

GM6 is probably the Windows 2k of game maker version. I say that because win2k was probably the stablist windows ever made, then it just kept going down hill from there….

[deleted user] 16 years, 9 months ago

Sure, it's illegal, but you've already paid, so… actually, it wouldn't hold up in court.
Which is why you don't get caught ;)

Unaligned 16 years, 9 months ago

You wouldn't get caught even if you hadn't paid for it