A follow-up

Posted by leemcd56 on April 17, 2008, 10 p.m.

I believe that it may be time for me to rant. But not just about anything, I would like to follow up RwarSpoon's own. His, being mainly about that completely sick video about a group of girls beating a poor, defenseless girl just because of a stupid MySpace message of something. Like… could it get any more stupider? First off, I can't even watch this. I can't help but feel extremely pissed off at the fact that this even happened and especially over the most stupidest cause (as a side note, I don't use the word "retarted"–I take it offensively). Even worse! They put it on YouTube! And even worse than that! Idiots are now streaming it and sharing it. Reposting it. What the hell? What more can happen? Dare I say, someone may even go as far as to put a rape video on YouTube? What the fuck? I know, illogical but people are sick. Like… messed up. Our music doesn't even make fucking sense anymore! What does that have to do with anything? Let me switch topics. Yes, stepping away.

The music in the United States is so bad that it's not even funny. It doesn't have emotion. When it does, it's so limited. For you people in the EU, here's a compliment: Your music is a hell of a lot better than ours. Like, listen to it. It doesn't sound all that great to the people in the Western hemisphere because we're so used to heavy music or "Yo bitch pop dat ass. Pop dat ass. Pop dat ass." that even those that profess that music is their life truly don't love real music if they can't enjoy the real music. Step back. Look at it. What the hell is the point in making this song about standing under some lady's umbrella? OK, people may find it great or whatever… but I just don't feel it. I've listened to it many-a-time because of my brother, whom is into this sort of music, and was quite disappointed. I have to agree with many of my friends: we haven't heard much of any good music from the US since the early 1990s. Be honest, it's true. There was AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Bon Jovi, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, Prince, Aerosmith, Kansas, Queen, The Beatles. All great musicians of a different era. Where are they now? Where's the music? I love these artists! They were great! But seriously. Why? Why isn't this today? Why can't this music be alive again? Here. In the US. It exists in other parts of the world, yes. But come on people, my mind's still craving that drive on the guitar! The power ballads. The emotion. Holding up a lighter during a show, swinging your arms back and forth to "I'll Be There for You".

OK. So I may not have stayed on topic. My mind tends to dither, I can't help it. It's an Aspie thing T_T. But at least I did get some kind of point across? Any questions or comments? Thank you for reading.


sk8m8trix 16 years, 9 months ago

The Beatles came from the UK. American punk sucks, The brits are fucking awesome. Anarchy in the UK mate!

leemcd56 16 years, 9 months ago

Quote: sk8m8trix
The Beatles came from the UK.
I know. I just couldn't help but mention them. I love the Beatles.

sk8m8trix 16 years, 9 months ago

Who doesn't?

Ferret 16 years, 9 months ago

GAH! I hate thing like that! its so sad why would anyone beat up someone in the first place!?! it almost makes me want to throw up, I hate how sick the world is…

I'm American and I hate the Rock and Pop and Rap that comes out of here, it sucks, I listen to techno, mainly from EU, because rap isn't the only music here that doesn't make since, if you read the rock lyrics that come out of here, they switch to point/meaning/subject of the song about 5 times! They are running out of ideas and just rambling on and on and on!

thanks for making this blog so I could get my ranting out without making a blog of my own…

side note: when I say American music sucks, I talking about today, the oldies like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Police are awesome

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

I like older oldies like Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan. And some old jazz too, like Miles. And blues, of course. All kinds of blues.

blueBX 16 years, 9 months ago

Well, the only american artist I listen to are:

Immortal Technique(best hip-hop, rap artist ever), Citizen Cope, The Charlie Daniels Band, The Postal Service, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The rest are from somewhere else:

Gorillaz, Dragonforce, Beatles, etc

Scott_AW 16 years, 9 months ago

Its all about the money, eh? There is alot of good music out there, it just never makes it to the mainstream either because the musicians don't want there souls taken by the industry or the industry thinks it knows what sells. Honestly though they don't, and todays mainstream music/movies/games are showing it more and more.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 9 months ago

The music in the United States is so bad that it's not even funny
Well if you listen exclusively to the radio, then yes. Ever tried looking into the indie scene?

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 9 months ago

when I say American music sucks, I talking about today, the oldies like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Police are awesome
Uhh… well at least The Police are American.

Amarin 16 years, 9 months ago

The indie scene is good. I do like some of the mainstream, but I'll stick to my trance, death metal, and nerdcore.

Groove Coverage is the best, they're German.