[l56] Third!

Posted by leemcd56 on Jan. 1, 2011, 10:46 p.m.

I've posted the official third blog on the new 64Digits v3. Hey, so you guys… listen up. If there are any bugs out there right? Make sure to report it using the bar below. Suggestions are applicable. When we get them we'll get right to working on whatever it is. Promise. We've worked hard and slaved over hot CPUs to get this organized. Be sure to thank Canadonian and FirestormX for the most work and dedication to getting even this not-so-final-copy online and ready for the new year. With all of the coding and cleanup from our crack-team (Canadonian, FirestormX, SpectreNectar, myself, etc.) we've pulled this together pretty well. Don't you think?

I know there shall be flames, hate, and bigoted comments towards us from those who "do not approve", so bring that shit on! See how fast that warn level jumps up. Please guys: Be civil. Constructive criticism, comments, questions – please.


Ronnica 14 years ago


Small Cows 14 years ago

Looks beautiful. Weirdly sad that V2 is gone.

Sent you guys a bug report about how some users get logged out whenever they reload a page, making it impossible to post a comment or a blog or even send a bug report. Soooo that would be a good thing to have fixed.

Otherwise, good stuff!