[l56] Nostalgia

Posted by leemcd56 on Jan. 6, 2011, 5:35 a.m.

Looking back through the years I've been a member of 64Digits I remember all of the good times the community had when there were ∞ times more users. Things such as LOLOMGWTFBBQ and the strong hatred for the Game Maker Community, as well as resentment against the GMG. I can't remember which but back in 2007 I believe Stevenup7002 hacked one of the two. Yeah, I remember! He was actually on MSN talking to me about it and I remember LMAO (tired and lazy right now…). Oh and then he got banned sadly but still… it was worth the lolz.

This was around the time when everyone still used GM5 and I remember everyone's reaction when GM6 came out: Pissed. DirectX 9 was a requirement and for a lot of people whose system could not run DX9 this was… yeah. Then GM7 came about and all hell broke loose. You couldn't simply use a serial anymore, no… SOFTWRAP! Plus, Yo-Yo Games bought Game Maker so there was no more Mark Overmars at Utrecht University – just a bunch of hung-over f… nevermind.

Let me see. Anyone remember the ENIGMA development environment? This was the attempt at making GML cross-platform via Java. Hey, Mark Overmars wasn't too happy about it but who cared? SOMEONE had to do it. I don't remember how far the project got but I assume it's dead now.

OH this is an oldie: The 64D RPG system! "Battling" against other users, collecting gold, having silly weapons and such. Then it died. Well it gave me something to do at the time at least! Well, at least until, well let's not bring this up. It… involves two members of 64D that I happen to know had a thing (haha, kill me later, you know who you are).

Speaking of deprecation, this reminds me of the time Stevenup7002 and I met back in 2005 and started the Sendla OS project. The Motron Sendla Operating System was to be completely from scartch: No Linux code, custom bootloader, etc. Never got past detecting the floppy drive. Stupid floppy dicks. I mean… disks. Well, we at least had a blue screen with text and basic function. It looked like something out of Hackers where he's turning over banks at the beginning of the movie – except way, way, way less complex. Try this:

Yeah, that's about as simple as it got guys. Well anyways I'm getting to the point where it's almost completely impossible to see the screen. Yeah I'm that tired. Plus, school again in 4 hours.


JID 14 years ago

We should work on another LOLOMGWTFBBQ or some kind of community game.

Get these lazy bastards motivated to make games again.

Eva unit-01 14 years ago

Wasn't the Halloween thing the most recent attempt that didn't seem to get peeps motivated much anyway?

JID 14 years ago

Who cares about holloween? That just limits creativity.

The only reason people didn't want to do it is because they had a specific date in which they had to complete the game by.

And who here ever gets a game done on a set date? I know I don't.

Moikle 14 years ago


aeron 14 years ago

Haha goodness, too many good times on this site!

I'll leave you all with some fond memories.

My personal favorite part:

Quote: leemcd56
Quote: dabridge255
You know, leemcd56 is eating right now. He just PMed me telling me that.
Two things… I haven't eaten all day, and I've never PMed you…

Eva unit-01 14 years ago

I forgot I even existed back then…

thernz 14 years ago

I remember all of that but I never actually participated or commented in any of that stuff as it happened. hghghg

leemcd56 14 years ago

@aeron Wow, 2006… well hey I was new so I didn't know the user tag existed.

Cpsgames 14 years ago

Deeply. Regrets. D:

Kamira 14 years ago

Good times :)

Should definitely make another LOLOMGWTFBBQ.