Here's a gallery of "blacked-out" and protesting sites against SOPA/PIPA today. They're not photo-edited so some of them are rough or split.'s a gallery of "blacked-out" and protesting sites against SOPA/PIPA today. They're not photo-edited so some of them are rough or split.
@Acid, wow…
@Steven Wow. That's cool.
The closest I've ever come to that is my texture pack being in a video on an article in Kotuaku.@JuurianChi Nice to see someone's using a few of my screenshots. :P
@Everyone. I really thought there was going to be a combo to break. But you guys were all srs business.
Look a page back and you'll see I snuck in the sneakiest combo breaker there is.
@Acid: Wow. people are incredibly stupid. They lost the ability to read DESPITE trying to access a website filled with text.
that better be just one BEEG joke, Acid
Awesome, 64D is featured in a gallery. XD
(if anyone still wants to see the sopa thing, I just threw it over here)And wtf is BEEG? :(