I'm sorry I haven't posted any Minecraft videos lately. ;-; Not many people go on it during the day, sadly, so not much has been built or changed, and I've been a tad tied up which has slowed me down a lot the past few days.
lack of sleep
On the plus side, my iPod is getting a lot of music action. I'm not a big playlist guy so I listen to whatever I feel like at the moment. With iTunes and my iPod combined, these three songs have the highest plays:Broadway: Same Thing We Do Everyday Pinky (428 plays)
Dream Theater: Octavarium (271 plays)
The Shins: Simple Song (erm… it makes me sad)
In your next video, check out what's going on above the jungle above -490, 490!
Super awesome, big tree house?
Floating island.
How do?
Thanks for completely disregarding the fact that someone was living at those coordinates (me). Thank you very much.Screw this server. I'll just grab a copy of Founton and be done with it.Simple song sounds pretty awesome, definitely a song I'll keep