
Posted by leemcd56 on March 10, 2012, 6:43 p.m.

I'm really sorry for the confusion today, guys. I hate to have been one of the people that invoked it, especially for both Kilin and DesertFox. Kilin, I'm really sorry I blacklisted you from the server. I thought you were actually banned and you were overstepping the mods. I'm not a mod and shouldn't have overstepped them myself. DesertFox, I'm really sorry I threatened you – or made what I said sound like a threat. On both accounts I was being foolish.

Regardless, you guys are still like a family to me, like everyone else on this site. I've been here for almost six years and I've seen a lot of us fight with each other sometimes and everything resolve just fine, and sometimes we lose those who don't want to put up with it but that's just an immature way of handling things. I, like anyone else, can overreact and do the wrong thing, and I’ve done so on here quite a few times but I've never been warned or banned by anyone on here before – except I recall one time but that was from someone past mod's ban rage, or when someone took down the whole site because they were pissed. It was years ago, so I can’t recall the exact situation.

Without further ado, I'm 50/50 as to what I want to do. I've been working on Canadonian's v4 the past week with the intent of asking Robbie if we can start working on it so we can get a new design out for you guys with many new improvements, cleaner code, and a much better layout and design than v3. I've been feeling pressure from quite a few angles and it made me want to give up 64Digits altogether (today's situation was only a minor influence), but I’ve stuck with you guys and refused to cave in over users fighting, or any other situation. I'm 21, and an adult, I can do better than that, but that doesn’t mean I don't make mistakes.

May or may not be a "so long, farewell" just yet…


DesertFox 12 years, 10 months ago

I will stay until I decide to stay no longer.

Do what you will, regardless. Nobody can make you stay, but they can tell you that they think you ought to.

leemcd56 12 years, 10 months ago

Do what you will, regardless. Nobody can make you stay, but they can tell you that they think you ought to.
I agree, and I'm staying. :D

firestormx 12 years, 10 months ago

I wanna know what happened. :(

Arc's thing was an accident, haha.

Also, send me an email about the v4 thing. Aeron built a good OOP base for it.

leemcd56 12 years, 10 months ago

Alright I'll get it to you right now! :D