Soccer tryouts, flash, and writer's (developer's?) block

Posted by leeto on Feb. 10, 2007, 4:46 a.m.

Ugh, I'm so tired from the first week of soccer tryouts at my school. We just came back from some practice games with some teams in out league from 8 am to 2 pm, and it was awesome albeit exhausting.

In the game developing side, I'm starting to learn ActionScript (Flash) which is a pretty neat language. At the moment my knowledge of it is very limited, and the best "game" i can make with it so far is a text based game where you get a prompt and a few options to try to do.

More into the game developing side, I've hit a few bumps in my stick-figure game, mostly in the designing area. I'm trying to improve my animating skills so that the graphics are okay (pivot is almost as annoying as stop-motion!). But, so far the technical portion of the game is okay, and i'm hoping to submit a WIP soon.
