zOnline returns!

Posted by link2x101 on June 14, 2009, 9:29 p.m.



Through about 8 weeks of coding, I have added at least 10 new features to zOnline, my MMORPG (Say what you will) and I am officialy stating that it is back.

The Features:

Menu system

Time system (like 60 lines of code)


Fixed chat problems (What caused me to stop working on it)

Weather (Rain/Snow using particles)

Admin/Server Messages

Full LttP Sound set

New Maps

Warping (for admins)

Debug mode


The server zonline1.no-ip.org will be up from the demo relese and will have tons of updates during that time.


Where to get


The new demo will be available here and at my site http://NickSYS.tk

Thanks to 39ster for both his dll and MMO example, which made this possible.

Yes, I will take GM applications, but no, due to the fact that I cannot make mapping softs there will be no mappers.


V 15 years, 8 months ago

Screenshots please? And the link for download doesn't seem to work for me. Why not upload it to 64D? There's a reason there's a file manager here in the first place.

link2x101 15 years, 8 months ago

The current link is old?

Edit: Screenshots: http://nicksys.freehostia.com/wordpress/

mesenberg 15 years, 8 months ago

looks interesting O.o

Castypher 15 years, 8 months ago

MMORPG system? I hope you understand that Game Maker doesn't support more than 250 players without intense lag. You also have to keep the servers up at all times, meaning either having a dedicated computer or always having the program open in the background. It's a lot of maintenance and a lot of time spent.

Now I'm not saying it's impossible, but don't expect to get millions of players online at once (especially with one server), as even Game Maker's multiplayer (8 or less players) has some pretty severe issues.

Regardless, I'd like to see the end product.