Websites by the and owned by Craig Pravada and Chad Love Liebermantook paintings from deviantartists and sold them illegally for THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.
will be putting together a class action lawsuit.If your art was illegally used by Art4love please send me a note with:1) your contact information (name, email and phone #)2) Backed up evidence:Combine screenshot from the [link] archive with a screenshot of your deviantart original image with the submission date visible.Submit the evidence as a NEW deviation with a link to this article in the description!3)send the contact info + this deviation/screenshot combo to me.
Because the best copyright lawyer in Toronto is very expensive, please donate to my cause using this link:[link]Anything helps, even a few dollars!
Also: I see that submissions are working now. Well, time for me to put something on then.
Hasn't stuff like this been happening ever since the start of deviantart?
Well those guys seem to have made a huge living off of doing this. Plus they even plagiarized a book. o.o Either way it's still nice to see people like him brought to justice.
Deviant Art should Pay artists so they can sell DA books like Pixiv.