I worked on nearly all the spells from the demo I posted, and fixed dying and the shield.Maybe another demo later… Maybe.Edit: Alright, I finished polishing the first section of the game.So here's the new link.Notes: - The shield is now relentless. Don't rely on it. - X to Zoom! - Z is now slower. - The time-out for getting hit is smaller, making it easier to die. (Though still not enough.) - Sped up the intro.There are still a few little things to iron out, but I'll get to them.
Holy crap.
Now I want to go back and Fix my old BH game.Why not? XD
Lotsa purty bullets. eeee @_@Why yes. This does indeed look more survivable.
I might not complain about this one, even :DDepending on how fast those bullets are going, it even looks easy…A little easy XD
Bump because i didn't front this XD
link in 15 minutes, perhapsO.0
No comments? D:
it's much better now. can't really think of any flaws, actually.