The blog of some progress. [Updated :O]

Posted by link2x101 on Sept. 7, 2011, 12:23 a.m.

1. Still having girl issues, but I'm working it out, things are starting to go smoothly, I think. O.o

Edit: Alright… So, as far as that goes, things seem to definitely be going very well. Today/Now-Yesterday went amazingly, aside from a few things here and there, but those were completely my fault. There's just one major issue, and we're working on it.

A few months ago, I did something to break her trust in me. I need to gain it back. I've undone what I did as much as possible (Corrupted a harddrive in doing so. Don't ask.), and as it is, we're working our way back to complete trust in me.

Once that happens, everything should be right again.

2. Got my creative spark back. Of course, it's the issues that seem to really create it… :\

Edit: Scratch that, I lost it. So yeah, maybe it is the issues right now. Ah well. I'll get back on track.

3. Need more people to look at my album: "Walk"


Go check it out, now. Please. Share the mo-fo. Heck, I'll give copies away for free, I'm already prepared to do that.

Have not touched my bullet hell. (Inappropriately or otherwise. XP)

Have not really done much musically beside made the possible beginning of a song and wrote some lyrics for a more personal song, also the beginnings of a dub-step song.

Note of the blog numero un: Game Maker for() loops tend to break if you use too many at once. (But then again, it was a heck of a lot…)

Note of the blog numero deux: surface_get_pixel() is slow. Especially along with ^that.

Note of the blog numero trois: C'est amusant parler (/typer? no, that can't be right D:) francais. (Without accents, of course. XD)

Note of the blog numero quatre: My school hates french.

Spanish 4? Certainly.

French 4? Hahaha, fuck you no.

Music Theory? The class before you, bitch, not you. (That's what happened. :| )

Note of the blog numero cinq: Anyone have a graphire pen? D:

Of course penabled pens (tablet-laptop pens) don't work with it so I couldn't just use the one from my out-of-comission tablet computer… D:

<serious val=100%>

Also, I'm OCDing and want my warn to be 2. :| No joke. XD


link2x101: Out.

*somersault in quintuplet*


Castypher 13 years, 5 months ago

I've touched my bullet hell.

…Inappropriately. =D

link2x101 13 years, 5 months ago


Know what?

It's 1:35 am here, so that made my day.

Kenon 13 years, 5 months ago

If I were still a mod I'd ban ur ass for lying.

link2x101 13 years, 5 months ago

? O.o

link2x101 13 years, 5 months ago

Update shtuff? Update shtuff.