Happy birthday to me O.o (+Rant)

Posted by link2x101 on July 19, 2012, 3:03 p.m.

Achievement unlocked: Age 17.


- Love & Desolation by Andrew Huang (/songstowearpantsto) [A fantastic album.]

- Batman: Arkham City

- Cave Story+

- Dungeons of Dredmor

- Titan Attacks

- Counter-Strike: Source

Obtaining soon:

- Motorola Charm [As I have no computer of my own right now, this is mainly for AIM and Google Voice. I use a Tracfone and thus cannot use this as the phone it is.]

Not obtained but figuring out later:

- Renewing my website before it runs out.

Same old thing, no big deal or anything, just felt like checking in. If anyone wants to play something later (I've got a nice-size list on steam), add/message me: link2x


Oh, and expect a new game sometime kinda soon. Puzzle, level editor.

New Edit:

I just want to add that Batman: Arkham City is a mess on windows. The game itsself is fantastic, I'd recommend that anyone try it, but Games for Windows Live should cease to exist, at least when steam integration is in place.

It does not make sense to me that the game work this way. I'm already in a game-overlay client with achievements conversation and the like, why do I need another?

Plus I had to put in the key twice, which was obnoxious.

I'm playing on Windows XP so the extra windows stuff is refusing to update because I don't even know, and thus it won't let me stay signed in.

But here's the kicker: Because I can't sign in (I have a valid windows live account and such, it just won't let me stay signed in because I cant update), the game will not save.


I spent good money on this game, sat through an obnoxious install, rebooted the game twice just to even truely get into it, rebooted it god knows how many more times to try and update it, and because it refuses to I can't save?

Makes me wish I just bought Bioshock 1+2 since they would've cost the same together…

Anyway, I played it regardless and while it was fantastic, I assume I got around 25% through the game before alt-tabbing periodically to AIM finally caused I crash.

Beautiful game, fantastic control (then again, I was using a controller rather than the keyboard/mouse, but still the game was silky-smooth), excellent acting, and what seems to be a copious amount of extras.

I just hope I can figure this out.

New new edit: There's a hotfix regarding the download limits of GFWL. This seems to have fixed it.

Achievement Unlocked: Save the game.

Or at least, I should get that, if it existed.

Even newer edit:

I'm cracking up right now. I wasn't even 25% into the game. I have returned to where I was and according to the game, it was 17%. (5% overall, which is what I saw before looking more deeply into it.) My god this is fantastic.


JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

Happy Birthday and stuff.

Thanks for reminding me of Andrew Huang.

Now I'm going to become depressed again. (Maybe. not really)

Iasper 12 years, 7 months ago

Pink fluffy unicorns?

Happy birthday!

link2x101 12 years, 7 months ago

@All: Thank you! :D

@JuurianChi: A matching picture, fantastic.

@Iasper: This album's a lot more serious (and very 80s), but yup

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 7 months ago

Happy birthday, dude.

Yay Dungeons of Dredmor. I can play CS:S with you, but chances are you'll completely own me.

link2x101 12 years, 7 months ago

Updated with GFWL hate speech.

@CharlieCarlo: Thank you. Add me, man! link2x on steam.

JID 12 years, 7 months ago

happy derpday, from two days in the future.

Ferret 12 years, 7 months ago


I hate GFWL, hate hate hate. Hate.

LAR Games 12 years, 7 months ago


I hate GFWL, hate hate hate. Hate.
I've never had a problem with GFWL. Especially since all the games that would have it, I would acquire by less than respectable means since I usually don't have any currency to acquire it any other way.

But, I did recently have some problems with a game I was gifted on steam, which had DRM on top of the fact it came from steam. You're supposed to activate your game through an internet connection with a set of keys that steam gives you.

Well, try as I might, I couldn't get it to activate. I had to register an account on the developers forums and request phone activation keys from one of the moderators. On top of that, it turns out that this isn't even an uncommon problem. Many people posted on my topic that had the same problem as me.

What I'm saying is: Developers, if you're going to put a game on steam. Get rid of the extra DRM. Please?

EDIT: Huh. I wrote way more than I usually do..

Rez 12 years, 7 months ago

happy birthday

i hit +1 on your blog just to see what your css would do XD